Here is the start of this 30 day clean series I thought would be good. Hope you all will join in and tell people about it. I will try to keep up on it too. I did get this from another ladies blog for the most part and just added my flavor to it. It really motivated me so I wanted to share it with my friends. So let's get started!
First things first! Before we can "dig" in to getting things clean and in order, we've got to get our minds and hearts in order. Today, we are going to work on our priorities and goals, and then throw in some motivation for encouragement!
Let's talk priorities. If you're anything like me, you have good intentions, but you somehow fall short. For example, I always say that God is first in my life, but is my life reflecting that? Do I spend time with Lord each day? What does my prayer life look life? Scripture memory? You can see where I'm going with this. It's easy to say what our priorities are, but it's really important that we take an inventory of them so we can honestly evaluate where things need to change. Today, we're going to come up with list of our priorities, in order of importance (I suggest rating them, 1-5, to evaluate how you're doing). Here are mine:
1. God
I want be in constant communion with Him, grower deeper in relationship by prayer and time in His word. This has to come first in my day because otherwise it rarely happens. Plus, it starts my day out right.
My commitment: Get up early each day to sit at His feet
Verses/quotes of motivation:
"In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch." Psalm 5:3
"In your presence is fullness of joy." Psalm 16:11
"For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes." Jeremiah 31:25
"In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there." Mark 1:35
2. Husband
I want to be an "excellent" wife, bringing glory to my husband. I want him to find solace and comfort in me, I want to be his biggest fan and his best friend. I need to be a soft place to land for him when is long day is over.
My commitment: Respond to him lovingly and intimately. Make an effort to serve him first. Be careful not to nag. Show respect.
Verses/quotes to motivate:
"A wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands." Proverbs 14:1
"She does him good and not evil all the days of his life." Proverbs 31:12
3. Children
My goal is to train my children in the Lord, so it is imperative that I have the time to play, activities and fun things for them. I also want to just have fun with them - carved out times in the day that are theirs.
My commitment: Work hard at getting my home in order so that I can be freed up to spend time with them, not worrying about all I have to do. Gain control of my time and schedule so that I have adequate time to plan activities etc.
Verses to motivate:
"Teach them to your children, And talk about them When you sit at home And walk along the road. When you lie down and when you get up. Write them down and tie them on your hands as a sign. Tie them on your forehead to remind you and write them on your doors and gates." Deuteronomy 6:7-8
"Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
4. Home
I want a clean home - not a perfectionist home - but a home of comfort and peace. I want a place where my children feel security and warmth, my husband has a haven, and place where people can show up and make themselves at home. I also want to take pride in the domain God gave me to manage. I have been struggling with laziness since Schafer's birth cause it is consistent cleaning when you never leave, so this is sin that I must fight, with God's help.
My commitment: Work hard, putting off laziness, and putting my family before myself by taking care of the home God gave me.
Verses to motivate/quotes to motivate:
"She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27
"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for me..." Colossians 3:23
"Do all things without grumbling..." Philippians 2:14
"Hospitality is the message you give a person about their value." Phyllis Stanley
5. Personal
I want to carve out time to sharpen my skills, enjoy my hobbies, and just do whatever! I'm putting this last, not because I don't think it's important to develop ourselves as women, but because I believe the other things come first. Plus, I will be able to enjoy "my" time more if I have everything else in order.
My commitment: Take time for the things I enjoy!
Verses to motivate: Anyone know of any good verses for this?
This will take some time, so think about it, pray about it, and tomorrow we'll "pick things up" where we left off!
Will you share your priorities?
Happy birthday David!
4 months ago
wow! this is awesome that you're doing that. You're family is super lucky you are that focused, wanna share, I have a hard time focusing!! =) It was so awesome seeing ya'll at group that night, hope to see you more often as it gets closer to safe(r) season for Schafer! I'm planning a scrap party, I'll email you about it!
What a great reminder.
My priorities are like yours
1) God
2) Husband
3) Children
4) Household
5) Personal
All of them I need to work on. Especially number 1 and 5. I also tend to put number 4 ahead of number 3. This is something i've been working on.
Thanks for doing this.
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