I have several little topics that either I would love to talk about and engage with people on or do a series where it also straightens me out too. This first thought I've been struggling with mainly cause I have a toddler and a 6 month old, but a 6 month old that had major open heart surgery (which most of you know). So I have had to baby him a bit and skip out on other things around the house...which is totally fine during this season cause that is what he needs. I found a blog of this christian woman and she did a series like this and really hit the nail on the head of some of the feelings I feel...just stuck. So I have taken some of her content and added some of my own flava to it. In the begining of January I am gonna start "30 days to clean". Just after holidays and getting back into the swing of this and Schafer will be recovered then though we still have to hang around the house. Here is a sampling to get ya thinking...
The house is a mess. Dishes all over the counter tops, toys everywhere, papers askew. It’s depressing just looking at it all. "Didn’t I just get this mess cleaned up?"
When I look around at the mess, I see Mount Everest. I get stuck, I feel depressed, and I have no idea where to begin...or if I even want to. I just feel so...overwhelmed sometimes.
I can see the eternal reasons for taking care of my home and family, and the immediate gratification of a well-kept home is like the cherry on top. But, I still struggle with being overwhelmed from time to time. So, what’s a girl to do?
Here are some things I’ve come across that have been helpful:
When the house is a mess, only work on one room at a time.This little nugget of advice has helped me so much! I tend to just start cleaning, haphazardly moving from room to room, cleaning a little here and a little there. Then I started only doing one room at a time - what a difference! If I stay focused on my task, and when I’m through with one room, I can look at it and see results. Sometimes I break up Haiden's and Schafer's rooms and bath room one day, kitchen and livingroom another...ya get the picture.
Here is a good quote to get your booty movin..."The secret of getting ahead is getting started." Sally Berger
Be generous to your trash can.Throw things out! The more things I realize I don’t need and can definitely live without, the less stress I create for myself. Just let it go! And boy do I need to do this now...I am behind! Ya know the whole, "it looks good on the outside, but don't look in the closet!"
Get rid of half the toys.Okay, maybe for you half is too much (or not enough), but the point is, your kiddos don’t need tons of things out. Grab the toys that the kiddos don’t play with all that much (or just won’t even notice there gone) and either get rid of them or send them to the attic. You can pull them out on a rainy day.'
Do the 15 minute thing.Fly lady says to put the timer on for 15 minutes and go to work, doing everything you can in that time frame. It is helpful, especially to those who like a challenge.
Just get moving!I spend so much time fretting and being overwhelmed that I stay stagnant, which leads to me feeling worse, and then ultimately, I give in to laziness and a "why bother" attitude. Just get up! Force yourself to do SOMETHING. I also turn the tv off and put music on...man I get way more done, and I have to act fast before my baby boy wakes up!
Envision the big picture.You know that warm and comfy feeling you get when you walk into a home that is well taken care of, clean, and inviting? It’s not sterile, but tidy, warm, and peaceful. That’s the kind of home I want, and that motivates me to see the big picture instead of the piles. What’s your big picture?
Get alone, first thing in the morning, and spend time with God.This is probably the best advice I can give you and myself. Spending time with the Lord before the day begins helps me to refocus, get my priorities straight, and gives me the true rest and refreshment I need to take on the day. I can’t take on my day without His strength and lately I really need Him to guide me.
Challenge for Today:
Light a candle, find a cozy spot somewhere quiet (only for 10 minutes - send the kids outside, wait until naps, or pop in a DVD), sip on your favorite beverage, close your eyes, and envision your big picture. Think about your home and what you want it to be. Do you want it to be a place of refuge? Inviting? Warm? Fun? Picture your home in all its clean and organized glory, and then burn the image into your brain and heart. Now grab your journal (or notebook, or scrap of paper) and write down your big picture. Ask God to help you physically create your vision, thanking Him for the ability to do so.
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
This is a taste of what I would like to do in January...let me know what you guys think and if anyone is interested...cause like you can see it is alot of typing but I really need this too! I just want a little bit of order everyday where I then can focus on my family and not feel like I am thinking of the next thing to do throughout the day.
Happy birthday David!
4 months ago
Since I "retired" in April, I have done an room by room deep cleaning! I have gone through my closet at least 3 times and hauled out not less than 4 - 30 gallon black trash bags to the cancer donation center each time. I think I have make 6+ trips with a completely full car! I was amazed at how much decluttering affects your mental attitude. It is awesome...you feel lighter! And it is much easier to clean. I have really been staying on the kids also to make sure they keep their rooms and areas clean also!
Love the idea. I do the fly lady 15minute cleaning. I love the challenge of having only 15 min. and I want to "win". Since my house is so small I throw out ALOT of stuff I just don't have room for it and I love the feeling of organization!
so funny i just got down cleaning while calin was napping before getting brinley from school, and it felt soooo good to sit down at the computer and know that I didnt have to tackle a huge task when I got done, because it looks sooooo much better :)
Can't wait to see what you do!! I did fly lady back when we lived in Tulsa. Organization is always great! Especially when we can do it all together!
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