Thursday, March 26, 2009

a new find via the web


I have just had a fabulous night discovering more fun blogs, sites, and boutiques all with great ideas for stuff. You know me anything to get the juices flowing in this cranium of mine. I thought I would share a fun site called it is loaded with tons of stuff and you can be there for hours hopping from one site to the other. Well, that is really it...I have been on the computer for 3 hours looking at random things and I NEED to get off. Enjoy though it can be a treat if you take the time to search.


Lisa Laxton said...

lol - I do the same thing with scrapping and photography stuff!

The Nadeau Family said...

I will check it out! Hope all is well....called you about a week and a half ago and was checking in to see how your dad was. Give me a call when you get a chance!