Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ta da...a new journey

Hi everyone...
I decided to jump on the band wagon of bloggers too. I have been doing it anyways with Schafer's journey and I have loved putting myself out there and telling everyone what the Lord is doing and my real struggles as a believer, mom, wife, etc. I just feel that there is so much more to my world and myself than what is out there on the world wide web. Schafer's experience has been life changing in our family and I am forever transformed in ways that I have had a hard time taming. But I have this amazing daughter too that if I just typed out some of the things she would be rolling...well, maybe I still may be the only one cause I'm the momma, but you get the point. I also have alot of ideas...I mean ALOT! If you know me, you know that in seconds I can rattle off your whole new decorating plan for your room or home. Or what kind of painting (mural), paintings, furniture, with accessories are needed to finish the job. Or changing up a business card, logo, or invitations for christmas or parties etc. I really sometimes have a hard time getting to sleep at night cause I can't turn it off! My new found passion that the Lord I feel is developing has spurred off from my whole experience with Schafer and living our life for 5 months protecting him from...well, everything. I really feel that thisw journey though mundane is so stressful cause there are no black and white rules or even suggestions that make you feel as a mom that you are doing the right thing. I have been writing down questions or second guesses that has a mom would make you feel like you are doing your part to save your baby. Lord knows that if I could I would have done the surgery, recovery, and everything in between to fix him myself. But I don't know the first thing to do, so alot of trust goes to the Lord, doctors I don't know or just met (I met his surgeon for the first time minutes before his surgery!!!! Yes, do ya get what I'm saying!), and making last minute decisions about if I really should take him to certain places or let people in my home. The questions are endless and I have found that there is a need for a parent to feel like they have a hold on the situation in a time where your life is turned upside down in seconds. I will have a couple of blogs on that...I know some neat things are stirring with all that. STAY TUNED!!!! Hope this is a good way to clear my crazy brain of ideas, suggestions, crafts, and life questions I go through. Can't wait to take this journey with everyone and I hope you enjoy! I will still be on the caringbridge site a tad longer before I give this site 100% so hang in there.


Brandon said...

now it has begun! By the way, the pictures are incredible

Indymom8753 said...

The pictures ARE incredible! I am looking forward to reading more indepth about all the changes you are going through. It takes an amazing person to go through something awful, and respond in such a postitive way. Love ya! Brenda

Our Family said...

Welcome to the Blogging world-or at least to Google/Blogger. Looking forward to reading all about the new journey. Love you guys!

-the Deas'

Lisa Laxton said...

Good job cuz!! Your little family is adorable...but have cute babies is something our family has always done well!

The Nadeau Family said...

YAY!! I am so glad you finally did it! I was just waiting for you!!

Ali said...

Yay!! The blog looks great!

Can't wait to hear what you have to say!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome, so glad you started a blog! You and Chris both are the kind of people that when you talk, Everyone Listens! I miss being around ya'll so much! Can't wait to see what your blog has in store to share!!
